

6 October 2014

Ecotierra among the Carbon Pricing Champions

ent_caring-climateThe Sherbrooke company Ecotierra is one of the Carbon Pricing Champions, alongside major players like Philips, Nestlé, and Unilever.

Ecotierra is a leader: it is one of the first 25 companies in the world to join the project.

To gain this recognition, Ecotierra made a commitment to adopt the business leadership criteria regarding carbon pricing put forward by Caring for Climate, a joint initiative of the UN Global Compact, UN Environment Programme, and the secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change:

  • “Set an internal carbon price high enough to materially affect investment decisions to drive down greenhouse gas emissions”
  • Publicly advocate the importance of carbon pricing in each country
  • Communicate progress on the two criteria above in public corporate reports

PrintFounded in 2011, Ecotierra develops forestry and agriculture projects that generate high-quality carbon credits. It has offices in Sherbrooke, Peru, and Colombia.

Source : Carbon Pricing Champions



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