News » March 17, 2017

Professor and Physicist from the Université de Sherbrooke Wins Prestigious Award from the Institute of Physics

Louis Taillefer is the first Canadian recipient of the Memorial Prize, which is awarded to physicists …

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News » March 16, 2017

An Observatory on Sustainable Mobility in Sherbrooke

The Observatoire sur la mobilité durable (Observatory on Sustainable Mobility) will soon be a reality …

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News » February 19, 2017

GHG Reductions: UdeS and ECOTIERRA to Collaborate

The Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS) is continuing its sustainable development efforts by launching a …

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News » February 10, 2017

The Université de Sherbrooke Establishing a Presence in Well Inc.

The Université de Sherbrooke has created a brand new business partnership development team, based in …

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News » January 23, 2017

Reduced Risks of C. difficile Recurrence Thanks to a Sherbrooke Researcher

A significant scientific breakthrough regarding Clostridum difficile infection, commonly known as C.

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News » January 22, 2017

New Mitacs Funding Program for ACET Startups

Mitacs has added a new potential funding source for startup businesses created by students and supported …

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News » January 22, 2017

Scientific Advances of a UdeS Biochemist Commended

A molecule considered up until now as cellular waste could become the key to fight bacteria highly resistant …

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News » January 15, 2017

Université de Sherbrooke Ranks First in Canada for Sustainable Development

The Université de Sherbrooke continues to excel on the international scene in sustainable development: …

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News » January 7, 2017

A Breakthrough at the UdeS One of the Top 10 Québec Science Discoveries of the Year

A miniature high-efficiency photovoltaic cell—a major achievement by a team from the Université de Shebrooke’s …

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Thank you to all Sherbrooke industrial and technological businesses, as well as to all our partners for the trust granted since 2009!