Key sectors


Revolution in motion

Sherbrooke has considerable assets for innovating and conducting business in Micro-Nanotechnologies: A highly qualified and stable workforce, proximity to renowned researchers at the University Pole, and partnerships at both the local and international level.


of businesses


of jobs

1 286

Flagship sectors

Sherbrooke businesses in the Micro-Nanotechnologies key sector are breaking into the international market of microelectronics and nanomaterials through their products and technologies in very diversified fields, such as the aerospace, biomedical, advanced electronics, and automotive industries.

See the business directory



Sectoral partners

R&D infrastructure

Interdisciplinary Institute for Technological Innovation

Located in the Innovation Park, the Institut interdisciplinaire d’innovation technologique (3IT) features an exceptional research and innovation ecosystem, open to collaboration among researchers, students, research professionals, businesses, and public and private organizations.

The 3IT has a cutting-edge infrastructure and specialized resources in design, prototyping, and assessment for launching and maturing technologies in strategic sectors such as:

  • Medical technologies
  • Information and communications technologies
  • Transportation
  • Energy
Learn more


Sherbrooke offers a range of education options, including vocational, college, and university programs. Many institutions also offer:

  • programs of studies with work internships—an opportunity to welcome dynamic new employees!
  • a continuing education component for businesses/employees.
Educational institutions
Centre de formation professionnelle 24-Juin Cégep de Sherbrooke Séminaire de Sherbrooke Université de Sherbrooke

Contact your expert

Martine Courtemanche

Head of Industrial and Technological Development | Life Sciences and Micro-nanotechnologies

819 239-6850
819 563-1144 ext. 504

Sherbrooke Innopole’s mandate ended on March 31, 2024. We invite you to contact Entreprendre Sherbrooke or the Service du développement économique of the Ville de Sherbrooke for further services.
Thank you to all Sherbrooke industrial and technological businesses, as well as to all our partners for the trust granted since 2009!