

1 May 2015

HackSherbrooke 2015: The Winning Applications!

HackSherbrooke once again attracted crowds to its event. The 2nd edition welcomed more than 75 programmers, Web designers, and software developers at Bishop’s University from April 24 to 26, 2015.

Divided into 12 teams, they created Web applications from open datasets from the cities of Sherbrooke, Montréal, Québec, and Gatineau.

The winning teams were:

1st prize – Best app using one or more of the Ville de Sherbrooke’s open datasets

Sherbrooke for You – Data portal providing access to the Ville de Sherbrooke’s various services (budget, parks, hospitals, wireless Internet, schools, restaurants, etc.) in both chart and map formats.


2nd prize

D’un bout à l’autre  – Assistant trip planner that takes into account one’s interests, budget, etc.

Prize awarded to an amazing project

What’s Hot – Application that generates a heat map incorporating different colours, depending on the services selected and their density

Ville intelligente (Smart City) prize – Awarded by the Table de concertation Ville intelligente

Sherbrooke for You

ZAP prize – Best app using ZAP dataset

Gimme – Platform that provides a list of local businesses based on the keyword searched

A total of more than $7500 in prizes of cash and services was awarded.

Source : HackSherbrooke

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