

1 mai 2015

Two Sherbrooke Businesses Make Their Mark at the Concours québécois en entrepreneuriat – Estrie

Sherbrooke Innopole is proud to congratulate two Sherbrooke businesses that were winners at the regional level of the 17th edition of the Concours québécois en entrepreneuriat (Québec Entrepreneurship Competition): BioIntelligence Technologies and Eatrie.

BioIntelligence_SIMarie-France Audet, Director, Financial Services at Sherbrooke Innopole and Joël Sirois, BioIntelligence Technologies

Working in the life sciences sector, BioIntelligence Technologies garnered the top award in the technological and technical innovations category. The company, headed by Joel Sirois, designs and markets instruments with advanced intelligence that make it possible to optimize industrial biotechnology processes in real time.

eatrie_SIDaniella Liberati, Eatrie, and Benoît Charland, La Tribune

For its part, Eatrie and its promoter, Daniella Liberati, won the Coup de cœur La Tribune (Jury’s Favourite Award). The young company, in the pre-acceleration phase in the Espace-INC incubator, is an online fine food marketplace offering artisanal and specialty food products from around the world.

Seven other business projects in the Estrie region won regional prizes, including two other Coup de cœur awards.

Of the 43 projects registered in the Création d’entreprise (Company Creation) component in 2015, six are now in the running for the Québec grand finale, which will culminate with the Gala des Grands Prix Desjardins in Quebec City on June 18, 2015.

A total of $20 000 in cash and special prizes was presented to the regional award winners.

Student entrepreneurship component

In the student entrepreneurship component, 11 projects from the elementary school to the university levels were winners. Cash amounts ranging from $350 to $500 were handed out. There were 64 projects in the running for the regional finals.

Held on April 30, 2015, the Estrie awards gala was hosted by Rémy Perras, journalist with the company Au Microphone, a 2012 award winner.

» Consult the full list of 2015 winners from the Estrie region

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