Business Directory


65, rue Belvédère Nord, bureau 400
Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, J1H 4A7
819 565-3746 / 1 855 461-6814

Produits fabriqués et/ou services offerts

Creator of Web solutions, design and marketing. Design and SEO of websites, online store and digital marketing. Publication plan, writing optimized for the Web and management of social networks. Branding and graphic design. Training, technical support, domain management and web hosting.

Principaux administrateurs

Isabelle Gagnon | PDG

Sherbrooke Innopole’s mandate ends on March 31, 2024. We invite you to contact Entreprendre Sherbrooke or the Service du développement économique of the Ville de Sherbrooke for further services.
Thank you to all Sherbrooke industrial and technological businesses, as well as to all our partners for the trust granted since 2009!