

2 November 2014

Quantum Computing: Professor Alexandre Blais Honoured for His Pioneering Work

Alexandre BlaisUniversité de Sherbrooke professor Alexandre Blais has received two prestigious honours for his research in quantum information physics: The young physicist has become a member of the Royal Society of Canada’s College and has won the Urgel-Archambault award from Acfas.

» Watch the video explaining the work of Alexandre Blais (French)

The Royal Society of Canada recently appointed the first cohort of the College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists. Composed of 91 members, including Alexandre Blais, the College gathers the emerging generation of artistic and scientific leadership. Together they seek to advance knowledge and enrich society.

The cohort will be officially presented on November 21, in Québec City.

Globally renowned for his expertise, Alexandre Blais has also received the 2014 Urgel-Archambault award for physical sciences, mathematics, computer sciences, and engineering awarded by the Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas).

Alexandre Blais’ work notably involves the development of circuit quantum electrodynamics, the architecture considered the most promising to create a quantum computer. Such a computer would have a phenomenal computing capacity.

Source: Université de Sherbrooke
Photo credit: Michel Caron



» Major Breakthrough in Quantum Computing at the Université de Sherbrooke

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