

16 April 2014

Sherbrooke is one of the top ten happiest urban areas

Indice relatif de bonheurBased on the Relative Happiness Index (RHI), in 2014 Sherbrooke ranked 9th amongst Québec cities and towns. The Queen of the Eastern Townships received a score of 76.60.

The 2014 edition of the rankings includes 27 cities and towns and was established based on the answers of 15 161 respondents. The questionnaire measures 24 factors that influence happiness, such as fulfillment, family, friendship, altruism, and socio-demographic profile.

In 2014, the Relative Happiness Index’s overall average was 75.90, 2.1 points lower compared to 2013.

Sherbrooke ranks 21st out of 48 urban areas, with a score of 77.10, according to the 2006-2014 cumulative rankings of the happiest cities and towns.

Source: Indice relatif de bonheur

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