

3 novembre 2013

The Université de Sherbrooke Ranked 11th among Top Research Universities

The Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS) once again comes out near the top of the list of Canada’s Top 50 Research Universities, coming in at 11 this year, five spots higher than its 2012 ranking.

The UdeS tops the list when it comes to increasing its research income with first- and second-place rankings in Québec and Canada, respectively. The institution’s grants and contracts totalled $185.2 million in 2012, for an increase of 27.3%.


«Sherbrooke is already recognized as one of the main three university research centres in Québec, but it is ranks among Canada’s leading research universities. Furthermore, the fact that we finished 9th in Canada (3rd in Québec) for the impact of our publications shows that the research conducted at the Université de Sherbrooke has an increasingly significant impact internationally,» explained Luce Samoisette, UdeS President.

Source: Université de Sherbrooke
Photo credit: Martin Blache

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