

28 February 2014

Sherbrooke OEM Introduces Innovative Equipment for the Future Valoris Sorting Centre

valorisValoris and Sherbrooke OEM have introduced the range of highly automated equipment to be used in the waste sorting centre in Bury.

About a dozen high-tech devices will be installed for each type of material treated – from the CRD (construction, renovation, and demolition), ICI (industrial, commercial, and institutional), and residential sectors.

sherbrooke_oemAmong the equipment are optical sorting units: “The waste material will circulate on high-speed belts. A camera will detect items that we want to keep and valves will eject them,” explained Jérémie Bourgeois of Sherbrooke OEM.

Of the 100 000 tonnes of waste sent to the sorting centre annually, Valoris plans to reuse 70%.

Towards LEED certification

The Valoris sorting centre is currently in the process of obtaining LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification. This would be a Québec first for a public body dedicated to waste management.

Energy efficiency efforts will result in annual savings of $100 000 in operating costs – equivalent to the energy consumption of 41 homes.

The Valoris sorting centre is scheduled to begin operations in fall 2014.

Sources: Valoris and La Tribune



» Sherbrooke OEM Wins the Contract for the Valoris Sorting Center

» An outstanding year for Sherbrooke OEM

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