

13 May 2018

New Research Program to Lighten the Weight of Recreational Vehicles

Replacing steel with aluminum produced in Canada to make recreational vehicles more lightweight and more energy efficient is the goal of the new ATLAS research program on lightening the weight of recreational product structures.

ATLAS - Université de Sherbrooke

Pr Ahmed Masloui, Pr Denis Rancourt, Maxime Desjardins-Goulet, CTA, et Pr Alain Desrochers

With $4.9M in funding over four years, ATLAS is the result of a partnership involving the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), PRIMA Québec, the Université de Sherbrooke, BRP, the Centre de technologies avancées BRP – Université de Sherbrooke (CTA–BRP-UdeS Centre for Advanced Technologies), and Université Laval.

Three partners from the aluminum sector are participating in this innovative university-industry collaboration project: Rio Tinto, Shawinigan Aluminium, and Verbom.

» Read full article

Source : Université de Sherbrooke
Photo credit : UdeS – Michel Caron

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