


28 July 2017

E2Metrix Awarded $6 M to Launch its Innovative Technology


PRESS RELEASE – Sherbrooke company E2Metrix, which develops and markets wastewater treatment systems, will receive more than $6 M in funding through the Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) program. This funding will enable the company to validate its innovative technology in partnership with the City of Sherbrooke.

Mohammed Laaroussi, CEO of E2Metrix, David Lametti, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, Bernard Sévigny, Mayor of the City of Sherbrooke

» See all photos of the press conference

Stretched over two years, this technological validation project will be undertaken in conjunction with the operations site of the City of Sherbrooke’s water treatment plant. Other major partners will collaborate at various stages of the project to optimize the strategy. These include the INRS, the firm Avizo Experts Conseils, and the Université de Sherbrooke.

The project will result in the consolidation of seven direct jobs and about 20 indirect jobs with local partners, as well as the creation of eight new full-time jobs within the company. “We are delighted that E2Metrix has chosen to undertake a project of this scale in Sherbrooke, and within our own facilities on top of this,” stated Bernard Sévigny, Mayor of Sherbrooke. “This is a partnership where everyone wins, once again confirming Sherbrooke’s leadership in developing cleantech, and generating very interesting environmental and economic benefits. ”

Including materials and labour, carrying out such a project will entail total costs estimated at $6.1M. Aside from the Government of Canada (SDTC) funding of $2M, some of the investments will come from Sherbrooke Innopole and Desjardins Capital de risque, contributing $100 000 and $1.25M respectively, via the Innovative Entrepreneurship Financing Program (Fonds d’investissement Entreprises Innovantes–FIEI).  Private sponsors will also contribute to this round of financing.

“E2Metrix offers one of the most promising technologies that has already demonstrated its impact among major players in the wastewater treatment market.  We are very pleased to reaffirm our confidence by once again investing in this project with Sherbrooke Innopole via the FIEI,” noted Jacques Perreault, Associate Vice-President, Desjardins-Innovatech.

Numerous municipal wastewater treatment plants in Canada are operating at full capacity due to strong population growth and a lack of investment in infrastructure. Given that Canadian regulatory bodies have imposed very strict limitations on the release of these contaminants, municipalities are currently putting tertiary treatment systems in operation. “The innovative electro-coagulation method developed by E2Metrix makes it possible to considerably reduce the concentrations of phosphorus and ammonia without resorting to chemical coagulants, which in turn reduces the amounts of waste to go to landfill, since part of the residue is reused,” explained Mohamed Laaroussi, President and CEO of E2Metrix.

Thanks to the unique composition of the anode patented by the company, it has become possible to significantly reduce the concentration of phosphorus, complying with the current regulations in force, and with the ever-stricter regulations on the horizon. At the same time, this process eliminates pathogenic microorganisms as well as products harmful to human health (hormones, endocrine disruptors, etc.).

Pairing up with the City of Sherbrooke’s water purification plant will enable E2Metrix to validate the efficiency and effectiveness of its solutions in an environment with a high volume of wastewater treatment, and will consequently complement the purification plant’s already strongly performing technologies to reach even higher standards.

This innovative project greatly inspires Myriam Bélisle, Director, Business Services-Cleantech at Sherbrooke Innopole: “We are proud to have E2Metrix as an ambassador in the field of cleantech in Sherbrooke. The company has developed a breakthrough technology that has the potential to transform the water treatment sector. Thanks to the SDTC project, E2Metrix will garner lots of national and international attention for its technology and will have a great opportunity to demonstrate its scale-up capacity for a new segment of the market, i.e. the field of municipal water treatment. ”

“It is very encouraging to see E2Metrix being offered both financial support as well as invaluable opportunities to pursue innovations,” concluded Mohamed Laaroussi. “We are confident that this project will provide us with the tools for further improvement and an acceleration of our marketing process.”

Sources : E2Metrix et Sherbrooke Innopole
Crédit photo : Sherbrooke Innopole

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