13 December 2014
Lumino, a Sherbrooke Invention to Start Your Day Off Right!
Koncepto, a Sherbrooke start-up, is preparing to launch Lumino, a smart power outlet that simulates dawn so you can wake up to a soft summer-like glow.
Designed by two mechanical engineering graduates from the Université de Sherbrooke, Pierre-Olivier Provost and James Gagnon-Coupal, Lumino is actually a Bluetooth outlet that enables the user to control the intensity of a lamp’s light using a smartphone or tablet.
Once Lumino is plugged into a power outlet, the lamp is connected to it. Then, using the Lumino App – available on iOS and Android –, simply set your wake-up time and alarm, as well as the desired light intensity.
The Lumino App can be used for several purposes: it can also be used as a dimmer, as a night-light, to make it appear as if someone is home, etc.
The two entrepreneurs have had the support of the Accélérateur de création d’entreprises technologiques (ACET – Accelerator for the Creation of Technological Businesses) and the Université de Sherbrooke’s Interdisciplinary Institute for Technological Innovation (3IT).
Kickstarter campaign
Lumino is currently available for pre-purchase on Kickstarter, with the goal of collecting $100 000 by the end of December and then starting the production phase.
Source: La Tribune
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