

8 April 2013

A Microchip That Detects Viruses!

Université de Sherbrooke researchers have developed a microchip that can quickly and effectively detect various viruses and bacteria. Their breakthrough is promising because it may rival or even surpass results obtained with larger, more expensive equipment.

dlepage_web_chip_in_handDuring testing, the biosensor performed outstandingly when exposed to various flu-virus strains. Moreover, the microchip’s sensitivity was greater than in some traditional commercial instruments.

This advance is likely to facilitate the work of physicians and researchers, making it possible to detect viruses such as influenza more quickly and more economically.

Spearheaded by the team under Professor Jan J. Dubowski‘s Canada Research Chair in Quantum Semiconductors, the work has capitalized on nanotechnologies involving semiconductors and quantum mechanics leading to the development of the ground-breaking chip.

The new approach “has the potential for saving lives and stimulating the economy, while providing us with an active tool for limiting the spread of these annual pandemics,” noted Dominic Lepage, a postdoctoral intern at the Interdisciplinary Institute for Technological Innovation (3IT).

Source: Université de Sherbrooke
Crédit: Mollie Coons

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