

25 février 2017

Landmark Investment to Foster Research and Innovation at the Université de Sherbrooke

The Université de Sherbrooke, acting in concert with the two levels of government and other partners, will be investing $12.13M in three projects related to its infrastructure.

These projects will enable the UdeS to continue to set itself apart in terms of sustainable development, research, and innovation in two key sectors, i.e., water and energy management.

  • Two solar farms will be built to produce renewable energy for nearby buildings: A thermal solar farm will be set up on the roof of the sports centre to generate heat and hot water, and a full-scale photovoltaic solar farm will also be built;
  • A new hydrology, hydraulics, and environment research centre will be established from the creation of a pond and artificial river in the ACELP Innovation Park.
  • The energy efficiency of buildings will be optimized to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce overall energy consumption costs.

Investissements UdeS

Alain Webster, vice-principal of Sustainable Development and Government Relations and Vice-Principal for the Longueuil Campus, Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie and Member for Compton–Stanstead, Hélène David, Minister responsible for Higher Education, Luc Fortin, Member for Sherbrooke and Minister responsible for Estrie region, Guy Hardy, member for Saint-François

The Government of Canada is injecting $5.8M through the Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund. For its part, the Government of Québec is investing $3.48M under the Québec Infrastructure Plan. Lastly, the Université de Sherbrooke and its partners will contribute $2.85M.

Sources: Université de Sherbrooke and
Photo Credits: UdeS – Martin Blache

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