

FEVE, Sherbrooke Innopole, CDEC de Sherbrooke

16 avril 2017

A Circular Economy Platform in Estrie Region

PRESS RELEASE – As part of the press conference that was held at Défi Polyteck, in Sherbrooke, several partners from the Sherbrooke and Estrie community welcomed Vincent Aurez, economist, consultant, and expert on the circular economy, for the implementation of a circular economy platform in Estrie.

The foundation of our current economic model is based on infinite growth and our world is facing the limits of natural resources,” explained Pierre Morency, Director of Environmental Strategy Development at Défi Polyteck. The implementation of the Residual Materials Management Plan (RMMP) in the Estrie region is an opportunity for all the actors to jointly develop projects and a regional strategy for a more sustainable economy through better use of our waste (or resources).

Vincent Aurez during its conference

Défi Polyteck aims to develop a strategy to set up a circular economy in Estrie with his partners, as well as socio-economic and institutional actors in new sectors for the recycling of materials that are currently destined for export or landfills. Mr. Aurez’s visit is meant to generate discussion and reflections on the current situation in the region and will certainly contribute to bringing forth a number of potential solutions. With Sherbrooke positioning itself as a model of circular economy, Mr. Aurez was curious to visit the region and learn about solutions already put in place and new actions to come.

“One of the fundamental elements for the implementation of a circular economy is the development of its governance,” explained Pierre Racicot, CEO of VRIC – Innovative Towns and Regions, circular economy network. In this, Défi Polyteck serves as a catalyst for this governance. The platform that is being created with the partners is the DNA of the circular economy where each component is indispensable through its role in the organization of this circular economy in Estrie. It’s encouraging to see that in such short time, the high number and visibility of partners associated with this project. At the very least we can say that Estrie has a great starting point for showcasing the circular economy.”

In the implementation of this wealth-generating economic development in a process aimed at truly sustainable development, the various stakeholders can decide what actions will be taken between partners and the community. Among theses stakeholders: City of SherbrookeVRIC – Innovative Towns and RegionsSherbrooke Innopole, l’Université de Sherbrooke, the Conseil régional de l’environnement de l’Estrie (CREE), the Chambre de commerce de Sherbrooke, the Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke (CHUS) and many others.

Together toward a circular economy in Estrie Region

“In 35 years in the field of the environment, never have I seen a more favourable context for such an initiative. All of the stakeholders needed to implement the platform are present and mobilized, not counting the many players who ask how they can take part in the project,” said Mr. Morency. “The whole of Quebec has its eyes turned on the ‘Estrie Green Zone’ as a leader in sustainable development.”

About Défi Polyteck

Défi Polyteck is an NPO that is currently developing a new adapted business model for the innovative social economy sector specialized in the subcontracting, manufacturing, processing, and marketing of a wide range of products. Supporting the circular economy and anchored in the Estrie community, Défi Polyteck has a mission with a strong social and environmental dimension. Its first mission, as a collective entrepreneur facing the same challenges and the same performance and competition obligations as all businesses, is to create quality jobs for a clientele with physical and intellectual limitations.

Sources: Defi Polyteck and Sherbrooke Innopole
Photo credits: Defi Polyteck

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