

14 août 2016

Sherbrooke Among the Most Business-Friendly Cities

According to a recent Canadian Business survey, Sherbrooke is among the Top 10 Most Business-Friendly Places in Canada. This survey was published on, with information about 219 communities.


This ranking shines the spotlight on cities that provide a favourable business environment in terms of both cost and procedures, i.e. requests are processed quickly, tax rates are low, and business licences are affordable.

Sherbrooke came in eighth place nationally. Only two other Québec cities made the Top 10, Joliette (fourth), and Granby (seventh). Sherbrooke is one of the only three urban areas with more than 200 000 inhabitants that made the Top 10.

In Sherbrooke:
•    Commercial property tax rate : 2,068800 % de la valeur imposable
•    Industrial property tax rate : 2,573400 % de la valeur imposable
•    Business licence cost : sans frais
•    Average processing time for a commercial building permit: Less than 2 weeks

“This strong ranking shows that the efforts and endeavours of the past few years to simplify the lives of entrepreneurs are paying off and that we are heading in the right direction,” said Josée Fortin, Director General of Sherbrooke Innopole.

Source : Canadian Business

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Le mandat de Sherbrooke Innopole se termine le 31 mars 2024. Communiquez avec Entreprendre Sherbrooke ou le Service du développement économique de la Ville de Sherbrooke pour la suite des services.

Merci à toutes les entreprises industrielles et technologiques sherbrookoises, ainsi qu’à tous nos partenaires pour la confiance accordée depuis 2009!