

23 February 2013

Enviro-access Introduces Carbon Care™ Certification


Sherbrooke company Enviro-access has launched its brand-new Carbon Care™ certification for organizations commited to reducing their greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions.

The first such certification has already been awarded to National Bank (BN).

Two levels of Carbon Care™certification are available: basic and carbon-neutral.

Basic certification means that an organization has carried out a GHG emissions inventory in compliance with ISO standard 14064-1 and that it has provided tangible proof of initiatives designed to reduce its GHG emissions.

Carbon-neutral certification is awarded to organizations that have also offset all direct and indirect energy emissions detailed in the GHG inventory.

Enviro-access is one of only two organizations accredited to validate and audit GHG emissions by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Private-sector businesses as well as financial and academic institutions and other public bodies can earn Carbon Care™certification.

National Bank Awarded Carbon Care™ Certification

Enviro-access awarded its first Carbon Care™ certification to National Bank, which earned carbon-neutral certification.

“The Bank has been working hard at reducing emissions for five years,” explained André Longpré, National Bank’s building-engineering and sustainable-development manager. “The initial global greenhouse-gas (GHG) inventory painted a detailed picture of our emissions and allowed us to target actions to reduce emissions. Ten concrete measures have since been implemented, and we chose to compensate our residual emissions by buying carbon offsets from Sobeys Quebec.”

Source: Enviro-accès



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