

20 June 2016

Cutting-Edge Research: The Université de Sherbrooke Consolidates Its Ties to France

The Université de Sherbrooke has signed three new agreements that will exponentially increase research collaborations with France in the fields of quantum materials, eco-materials, and nanotechnologies. Two new associated international laboratories have been created, and another research entity has been renewed.


LIA LCMQ – Quantum Materials

The new Laboratoire international associé – Laboratoire circuits et matériaux quantiques (LIA LCMQ – international associated laboratory – quantum materials and circuits laboratory) will host researchers from the Université de Sherbrooke’s Institut quantique (quantum institute) at the National Laboratory for Pulsed Magnetic Fields (LCNMI) at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and in the Université Paris-Sud’s Solid-State Physics Laboratory (LPS).

This new official collaboration is a logical next step, as 43 papers have been published in the last decade by researchers from Sherbrooke and France at the new LIA. Sherbrooke welcomes seven students, three of which are in a cotutelle PhD program, and a CNRS research director on secondment.

The LIA LCMQ is managed jointly by Professor Bertrand Reulet (Institut quantique), and Cyril Proust (LCNMI).

LIA-Écomat – Écomaterials

The Université de Sherbrooke is partners with the French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks (IFSTTAR) within the new Laboratoire international associé – Écomatériaux pour les infrastructures et le bâtiment (LIA-Écomat – international associated laboratory-ecomaterials for infrastructure and buildings).

This new entity aims to develop greener and more sustainable construction materials by integrating industrial by-products.

Co-directed by UdeS professor Arezki Tagnit-Hamou  and Loïc Divet (IFSTTAR), the LIA-Écomat will mobilize 40 or so professors, research professionals, and post-doctoral fellows from both sides of the pond.

Signature_LIA-Ecomat_UdeS_MCJean-Paul Mizzi, Deputy General Director of IFSTTAR et Luce Samoisette, UdeS Rector (in front), Patrik Doucet, Dean of the Faculté de génie, Nicolas Chibaeff, Consul General of France in Québec, and the Co-Directors of the LIA-Écomat, Loïc Divet (IFSTTAR) et Arezki Tagnit-Hamou (UdeS)

UMI-LN2 – Nanotechnologies

Created in 2012, the International Mixed Research Unit – Nanotechnologies and Nanosystems Laboratory (UMI-LN2) has been renewed.

Directed by Michael Canva, CNRS Research Director and UdeS Associate Professor, the UMI-LN2 led to more than 50 doctoral theses, the authors of 30 of which are in a cotutelle PhD programs, 95 publications, and 172 conference presentations since 2012.

This laboratory–the first bilateral CNRS research unit between France and Canada–is a partnership between UdeS; the CNRS; the Université de Lyon, including the École centrale de Lyon, the Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon, the École supérieure de chimie physique électronique de Lyon; and the Université de Grenoble Alpes.

The UMI-LN2 will be holding its seventh conference from July 10 to 13, 2016, in Orford.

Source et crédits photo : Université de Sherbrooke (LIA-Écomat) (LIA LCMQ et UMI-LN2)

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